Friday, February 26, 2010

Big Tooth

from 7777777

I have a big tooth( this part is for joy:)...... tell megan that on our next playdate she might be able to see big tooth).A big tooth is a tooth that you are getting ready to is down to the c in inch on a ruler. it is down to the 2nd
m in will propably be my first tooth to loose. it is so loose i can move it with my tounge.when i was little i was running away from my friend megan i ran into a bench and big tooth got bent back. but, a few years after that,i started kindergarten and in PE i ran into garrett and then that's when big tooth came back to the same place it used to be. and now since big tooth is so wiggly it is really close to my lip.

from 373737373737373737373737373737373737373737373737373737373737

Okay, so I've heard the phrase "long in the tooth" before, but I've NEVER seen anything like 7's Big Tooth. Even though she refers to it as such, Big Tooth has not always been Big. It was just an ordinary front tooth like the one beside him. But lately, ordinary tooth has morphed into Something Scary. It's like the wigglier he gets, the Bigger he gets, and the more he starts to develop his own identity. 7's even created a special face that she makes when she's playing the role of Mr. Big Tooth, and it cracks me right up. The sentence "Let's watch the Wizard of Oz" is nothing comical until it's said in Big Tooth Voice. Her face goes all sideways, and Big Tooth just pokes out there like he's the one who's doing the talking. It's creepy and hilarious. Big Tooth won't be with us long. Pretty soon, he's going to leap right out of that 7 year old mouth. This is my first experience with a child having lost a tooth, Big or not, and it's a little scary. I've warned 7 that There Will Be Blood, and, for the most part, she's cool with that. The panic for the current evening, however, involves Big Tooth's possible departure during sleep, which you would think would incite panic over the thought of swallowing one's tooth, but for 7, this fear is directly related to her losing her payout from the Tooth Fairy. I've promised her that, no matter where Big Tooth ends up, the Tooth Fairy will be promptly notified so that her winnings can be relayed in a hasty manner. She seems sorta okay with that, too.

Our questions to you tonight, dear followers, are thus:

Did YOU ever have a Big Tooth?
Do you have a Big Tooth NOW? (from 7: ms joy may you please ask megan that question? thank you.)
What are your memories revolving around your first wiggly tooth?