Monday, August 30, 2010

what's your superpower?

from 7:
My ideal superpower would be…... invisibility and flight. I would like 2 to have invisibility because on the playground I could be very quiet and sneak up on my friends and tickle them and they’ll always wonder what it is. Because I’ll never tell them it was me. And if I had flight I could say that I’m bus rider, but I’ll really just go outside after all the buses have left and then I will just take off.

from 37:
So, time’s up. I’ve got one day left to call myself 37. Tomorrow, my birthday’s gonna blow our cute little blog name to bits. Fills me with regret that I didn’t spend enough time on said cute little blog while it had such a cute little name. Alas, tomorrow, we’ll be effectively 7 & 38, and for that I am certainly glad, because that means I am here, spending one more day on Earth with my family and the rest of you people. So, when the panic began to set in that our blog title was nearing its expiration date, I began mulling my and Young 7’s options, and here’s what I decided (‘cuz I am the decider):we’ll leave the link the same (,even leave the title the same, and just change the numerals before our entries as we grow older. Hopefully, allowing the blog to grow old along with us will keep both 7 and me interested in plodding along with this little experiment of ours, until 7 turns 13 and then, well….cross your fingers. So, that’s it for the housekeeping portion of the blogpost, now on with the show.

I was falling asleep last night when I started thinking about superpowers. If I could pick a superpower, I think I would want super-long, stretchy arms, like Elastigirl from The Incredibles. They would come in handy in many situations, not the least of which would be getting your kid a glass of water in the middle of the night. Many parents will encounter this same request from their beloved offspring, whom they would, under normal circumstances, give their left lung for, unless they happen to be peacefully sleeping and are SECONDS away from winning the big prize on Supermarket Sweep, summarily freeing them forever from the living HELL that is weekly grocery shopping. So, it is to add insult to injury to be awakened to find that, not only have your hopes of living a life without coupon clipping been DASHED, but also to realize that, you have to STAND UP. (This act is more difficult for some. I am that some.) Oh, what I wouldn’t give for just once to stay lying down, and effectively shoot my arm into the bathroom to grab a cup, fill ‘er up, and then make it travel swiftly down the hall to poor Dehydrated Danny. Here ya go, Danny. Now, go back to sleep and let Elastimom win us a lifetime supply of V8 Splash.