Tuesday, December 1, 2009

frost on the car.

from seven:

This morning when I got in the car there was frost on all of the windows.It was everywhere!And so we could`nt go!And mom could`nt find the ice scraper.But.....she found a dvd.So.....she scraped it off.(the car)with the dvd.P.S.this story is true.Grayson Jane

from thirty-seven:

The first frost of the year always takes me by surprise, mainly because I always forget it gets cold enough here to make the stuff. What doesn't suprise me, however, is the fact that I can never manage to remember in which dark, savage corner of my garage I've decided to stow my car-frost-scraper from the year before. The realization that I'm missing this implement always seems to come at about the same instant that I realize a) I'm late for work, 2) the bus driver has just pulled away and my kid isn't on it, and c) the dog has upended the trash can...again. It was during one of these fast-forward, full-tilt mornings, driven by frost-bitten panic that I managed to come up with one of my favorite inventions, however, of which I am very proud: the CD-case-scrape-o-matic. It works quite well in a pinch, and, if held at just the right angle, manages to scrape off nearly the same amount of of white dust as your garden-variety, Walmart-purchased scraper, which you may or may not be able to locate at the moment. So, it was during this first frost of the year that I was digging for my Plan B Scraper that I realized I had at my disposal a DVD case, leftover from a long, summer trip where Dora was in charge of entertaining my children while I did the driving. I attempted the DVD case for a second, but it just didn't do the justice of the trusty CD holders of winters past. So, I reached back into the car, whipped out They Might Be Giants' "Here Come the 123s", and let them take care of business. As usual, the Giants did NOT disappoint. And an added bonus? From inside the car, my kids thought I was making it snow.


  1. Awesome! Good job Gracie and Jen, you are both extremely talented and I look forward to many more blog readings!

  2. drivers license works great too
