Tuesday, December 22, 2009

going caroling


lastnight me and my mom went caroling. first we got on the redemeer luthran church activity bus.( our pastor drove.)first we went to mr. rusty and ms. debbie's house, then we went to ms.lib's house,and then we went to two other families houses. it made them happy.


it's not something you get the chance to participate in every day, or even every year for that matter, but if somebody asks you if you want to go caroling, say yes. it will warm a bunch of hearts, and make yours feel even bigger. singing experience not required. trust me.


  1. Gracie, you gave a present, yourself, to those you and your Mom sang carols to. That is the best present you can give someone!! Love, Uncle Mark

  2. oh. how can one family spread so much joy and goodwill. xoxo you all. this is gini but it won't let me id myself. blogger hate me. sigh.

  3. Gracie and Jen are my angels! Come caroling at my house anytime of year!

  4. 7 says.....

    amy love:

    OK Amy! but what do you want us to sing?


    next year go caroling so you can give that present to! ( it will feel good.)


    talk to us on gmail and we'll help you fix it.
